
The risk of a drought taking place in Fiji is no longer high during this time period but it is still there nonetheless. The driest areas, dry zones, are the "lower islands and leeward areas of the Fiji Islands". They are the ones that are most vulnerable to droughts. Droughts can have a very big impact on agriculture which is a very big part of Fiji's economy. The impacts of the 1997-1998 was a big event in Fiji. In October 1998, the "southeastern coastal belt of Viti Levu began experiencing low stream flows and surface water shortage (hydrologic drought)". This drought caused a "$104 million loss in revenue in the sugarcane industry alone". The regions that got hit the most were the western sides of Viti Levu, Vanua Levu, and the Yasawas, in these regions "90% of the population received food and water rations".


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